Meditation at the Casa - called "The Current"

The Current at the Casa is a significant way that the Entities of Light do deep healing with individuals. It is a time for you for inner reflection, for receiving profound healing from the entities, and a time to be of service by giving your loving energy to facilitate the Casa miracles. No meditation instruction is given at the Casa. Below is a link with basic meditations that you may find helpful to practice while at home in order to prepare for the Current sessions if you do not already have a meditation practice. Begin to practice this at home by setting a time and having the intention to connect to the Casa Current Energy. This may be when the Current is in session (Wed, Thurs, Fri approximately 7:30 am to 10 am and 1:30 pm to 4 pm Brazil time) or whenever you have time. The Casa Energy is always present for you when you ask and intend to connect. We suggest starting with 20 minutes once or twice a day.
CD of Casa Prayers from John of God's Casa Click here
Guided Meditations Click here
CD of Casa Prayers from John of God's Casa Click here
Guided Meditations Click here
Current is Service
By Grainne McEntee ~Casa Current Room Volunteer~

Life is a classroom and Current is an intensive training course. As the numbers coming to the Casa are growing, both from within Brazil and overseas, the current rooms are full most of the time. Sitting in meditation in these rooms is an important part of the healing process, even if its only one session. This experience can be challenging, as being still for a few hours is alien to most people.
Here are a few tips to enhance the work:
Because the waiting lines for Current sessions start outside before 7am and 1pm, if you need to go to the bathroom please ask the person in front or behind you to hold your place in line. Once you enter the current room if you leave you cannot return. This allows for minimum disturbance. Do not get up and join any line from inside the current. The lines are always called from outside and are counted for reasons known only to the Entity .
As soon as you enter, sit down, get comfortable, and start the work . We need to have our eyes closed, arms and legs uncrossed, and our bodies as open as we possibly can. Making sure we are not bent over as the energy needs to flow through our chakras. If your intention is to sleep stay out of these rooms and either go to the garden or your pousada room to join the current.
Bring a small amount of water with you. No big bags, as there is limited space. Leave your cell phones behind. If you have one of these devices, please switch it completely off, airplane mode is not sufficient. Do not rustle plastic bags, noise reduction is conducive to deeper connection.
Only bring what you need; less is always more. As we declutter physically we find more clearing on all levels. It is acceptable to bring a pillow or a cushion, but leave the bedding behind.
As there is a lot of background sounds, try to concentrate on your belief system. Prayers are said in English and Portuguese to help support the work. Refrain from using ear plugs; We are meant to be exposed to the sounds of the Current. Blocking the flow of energy is not a viable solution.
Falling asleep happens. It is an altered state of consciousness and we are surrendered in this time span and very deep shifting can occur. Sometimes your neighbor may be in difficulty. Try to keep your equilibrium and maintain eyes closed. Just do the best you can.
The dress code is no shorts, mini skirts, low cut revealing tops, or transparent clothing. Wear white garments so the energy can flow freely.
Its beneficial to take shoes off in the current to connect with the crystal underfoot. Remove sunglasses from the body. If you are wearing a mask try not to block your third eye. Loosen any tight belts. No reading, eating, chewing gum, and please no talking.
If you do need to leave the current for any reason just tread gently. Put your hand up if you need help and the room monitors will gladly assist you. Outside in the garden, you can meditate in the lotus position and write if you want to.
The fans are not only moving air, they are helping to clear stuck dense energy, shoo away biting insects and flies, and diminish the need for spray fresheners which many people are allergic to. Try to sit away from the door, the front rows and the ventilators if you do not want to be more challenged.
Current is a very sensitive energy field. The first room is helping with the cleansing of all the lines. Towards the end of the session everyone will receive a powerful cleansing.
Our choice to sit and serve in the Current is beneficial to everyone; all beings coming through these rooms, with and without bodies, and ourselves.
We are outnumbered infinitely by the disincarnate spirits seeking help. They are attracted to the Light we are helping to multiply in the Casa.
Try to enjoy the work. Be present. If you are challenged, realize all things pass. Pray for help if you are unable to concentrate or are feeling deep issues coming up. Its okay to leave and finish the work in the garden or your room, where you will be more comfortable. The Current is not an endurance test, although sometimes it may feel this way. Within the Current is a discipline set down by the Entities to ensure optimum healing benefits for all. Whether you are inside or outside, all is in Divine Order, you are exactly where you are meant to be.
There are lessons to be learned everywhere. Be aware of a bigger picture.
It takes courage, trust, faith, and belief, to face our shortcomings. Do not beat yourself up or take anything personally.The universe is unfolding as it needs to. We are just walking each other home. We have only a choice between love and fear.
So what can we do in the current? Love, Forgive, Surrender, Connect, Contribute, Learn, Grow, Heal. The Entities of Light and Love are helping us in ALL WAYS.
Here are a few tips to enhance the work:
Because the waiting lines for Current sessions start outside before 7am and 1pm, if you need to go to the bathroom please ask the person in front or behind you to hold your place in line. Once you enter the current room if you leave you cannot return. This allows for minimum disturbance. Do not get up and join any line from inside the current. The lines are always called from outside and are counted for reasons known only to the Entity .
As soon as you enter, sit down, get comfortable, and start the work . We need to have our eyes closed, arms and legs uncrossed, and our bodies as open as we possibly can. Making sure we are not bent over as the energy needs to flow through our chakras. If your intention is to sleep stay out of these rooms and either go to the garden or your pousada room to join the current.
Bring a small amount of water with you. No big bags, as there is limited space. Leave your cell phones behind. If you have one of these devices, please switch it completely off, airplane mode is not sufficient. Do not rustle plastic bags, noise reduction is conducive to deeper connection.
Only bring what you need; less is always more. As we declutter physically we find more clearing on all levels. It is acceptable to bring a pillow or a cushion, but leave the bedding behind.
As there is a lot of background sounds, try to concentrate on your belief system. Prayers are said in English and Portuguese to help support the work. Refrain from using ear plugs; We are meant to be exposed to the sounds of the Current. Blocking the flow of energy is not a viable solution.
Falling asleep happens. It is an altered state of consciousness and we are surrendered in this time span and very deep shifting can occur. Sometimes your neighbor may be in difficulty. Try to keep your equilibrium and maintain eyes closed. Just do the best you can.
The dress code is no shorts, mini skirts, low cut revealing tops, or transparent clothing. Wear white garments so the energy can flow freely.
Its beneficial to take shoes off in the current to connect with the crystal underfoot. Remove sunglasses from the body. If you are wearing a mask try not to block your third eye. Loosen any tight belts. No reading, eating, chewing gum, and please no talking.
If you do need to leave the current for any reason just tread gently. Put your hand up if you need help and the room monitors will gladly assist you. Outside in the garden, you can meditate in the lotus position and write if you want to.
The fans are not only moving air, they are helping to clear stuck dense energy, shoo away biting insects and flies, and diminish the need for spray fresheners which many people are allergic to. Try to sit away from the door, the front rows and the ventilators if you do not want to be more challenged.
Current is a very sensitive energy field. The first room is helping with the cleansing of all the lines. Towards the end of the session everyone will receive a powerful cleansing.
Our choice to sit and serve in the Current is beneficial to everyone; all beings coming through these rooms, with and without bodies, and ourselves.
We are outnumbered infinitely by the disincarnate spirits seeking help. They are attracted to the Light we are helping to multiply in the Casa.
Try to enjoy the work. Be present. If you are challenged, realize all things pass. Pray for help if you are unable to concentrate or are feeling deep issues coming up. Its okay to leave and finish the work in the garden or your room, where you will be more comfortable. The Current is not an endurance test, although sometimes it may feel this way. Within the Current is a discipline set down by the Entities to ensure optimum healing benefits for all. Whether you are inside or outside, all is in Divine Order, you are exactly where you are meant to be.
There are lessons to be learned everywhere. Be aware of a bigger picture.
It takes courage, trust, faith, and belief, to face our shortcomings. Do not beat yourself up or take anything personally.The universe is unfolding as it needs to. We are just walking each other home. We have only a choice between love and fear.
So what can we do in the current? Love, Forgive, Surrender, Connect, Contribute, Learn, Grow, Heal. The Entities of Light and Love are helping us in ALL WAYS.